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How to make inputs show old value in blade after validation error

2 years ago

When a validation error occurs, by default, the form inputs will not keep the values they had before the submission. This makes for a terrible user ex...

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5 ways to optimize your eloquent queries

2 years ago

Did you know that 1 in 4 visitors would abandon a website if it takes more than 4 seconds to load? While multiple factors can slow down a website, one...

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Eloquent optimization: displaying only one record of a one to many relationship

2 years ago

Sometimes we need to display data for only one record in our one-to-many relationships. For example: Displaying the title of the last video each user...

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Create make:custom commands in Laravel

2 years ago

Laravel comes with a feature that allows us to scaffold some commonly used classes, like models, factories, notifications, etc. If we want to create a...

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Zero downtime deployment for Laravel apps

2 years ago

While I was building laravelremote.com (a Laravel remote job aggregator), I was worried that each time I wanted to push some changes to the production...

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